Support us

We think there should be regular Street Scenes everywhere. People should have the option to meet all sorts of nice people, for free, in our public spaces.

So we are bringing people together to do just that. The more people get involved and join our network of event participants, the more events there will be.


One day, you’ll be able to find a street event, somewhere in London, anytime you want!

Get involved

Check what events are coming up and sign up to host them if you can.

Email us if you’d like to help run events with us. It’s eassy and a lot of fun!

Follow us

Get email notifications whenever we have a new event.

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Follow us on Facebook for regular event updates and other info.

Follow us on Twitter for event updates.

Get general news and updates about the project.

Donate to us

We are volunteers, but we have costs such as website hosting and materials to run events. We are also working on things to make the project bigger, like event organiser tools to help people run events. We would eventually like to run the network properly and support people across the UK to put on events regularly. Donations will help us build towards this.

Support us with regular donations at Patreon.

Other support

If you have any other ideas and ways to support, please get in touch.